Alert Central [beta]


Release date: February 3rd

This guide provides an overview of the new Alert Central, how to configure it, and best practices for managing alerts within Flare.

What is Alert Central?

Alert Central is Flare's unified alert management system designed to simplify how you manage alerts across multiple identifiers and channels. It consolidates all alert configurations into a single interface, enhancing efficiency, flexibility, and scalability.

Getting Started

1. Accessing Alert Central

  • Navigate to Alert Central page from the main menu.
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2. Creating and Managing Alerts

  • The main dashboard displays a summary of all alerts that you have configured.
  • Click on Create Alert to create a new alert.
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  • Click on an alert to view its configuration.
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4. Creating and Managing Channels

  • The Channel tab displays a summary of all channels.
  • Click on Add Channel to add a new channel.
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  • Click on a channel to view its configuration.
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  • Click on Test Channel to confirm that alerts can be successfully received.
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Best Practices

  • Use Descriptive Names: Name alerts and channels clearly for easy management.
  • Test Regularly: Test alert channels periodically to ensure they function correctly.


Q: Who can access the Alert Central?

  • Access depends on the permissions assigned by your organization administrator:
    • The creation of alerts requires to be an editor in the current tenant.
    • Only organization admins can create, update and fully browse the Channel tab