


The Dashboard provides a visualization of your organization’s Footprint on the web. Flare’s data is broken down to explicitly provide an overview of your exposure in the last 30 days. 

Exposure Profile

Enables you to rapidly identify major threats by displaying exposure scores for each category: External Attack Surface, Exposed Source Code, Leaked Credentials, Sensitive Data, Criminal Underground, in comparison to companies of similar size in your industry. 

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Here’s how to read the radar chart:

Each axis represents a threat category

External Attack Surface, Exposed Source Code, Leaked Credentials, Sensitive Data, Criminal Underground

Focus on the full shape created

Look at the overall shape created by connecting each data point on your radar chart. When viewing the overall shape, you can see whether any specific data points are very high or very low compared to the other data points.

Read around the wheel 

After you have reviewed the entire shape, you can then analyze individual data by finding the point at the end of each line of the shape. The center of each wheel is the “zero” spot, and the closer toward the edge of the chart a point is, the higher the quantity is for that data category.

Compare data 

Compare the shapes placed on top of one another to see the difference between your organization’s data and companies of similar size in your industry. 

Exposure Score Evolution

The Exposure Score Evolution shows how a company's risk has changed over different timeframes and helps you spot times when risk increased or decreased, compared to the industry average. The graph also displays the score’s trend in the last 30 days.

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Exposure Score

Helps you benchmark your cybersecurity stance compared to the industry global average. The Exposure Score is ranked from 0 to 10, with higher scores representing a larger exposure. Every Activity in Flare is given a Score, based on our analysis of the content. For example, Activities containing personal information or login credentials will have a higher Score. We are constantly working to refine our scoring methods so the score is not always a perfect representation of the risk level for an individual Activity. Instead, it is meant as a way to prioritize Activities as a whole. (For more regarding Scoring and Severity visit the ‘Understand Event Severity’ document)

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Recent Actions, Recent Events, Recommended Identifiers

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Recent Actions 

Enables you to rapidly see relevant actions and address them to reduce your exposure. Based on the created Identifiers, Flare suggests mitigation and prevention actions, to reduce your organization’s footprint. 

Recent Events

Flare collects Events containing relevant information for you based on the Identifiers you create. The Recent Events widget enables you to rapidly see relevant events and address them to reduce your exposure. 

Recommended Identifiers

Based on the Identifiers that you have created, Flare recommends new Identifiers that will reduce your risk exposure. The Recommended Identifiers widget allows you to quickly access the suggestions made by Flare based on the assets you want to protect. 

Events By Category

The Events by Category widget displays the number of threat events per category collected by Flare in a specific timeframe. Hover over the chart bars to view the number of Events in each Category in a certain period of time. Clicking on a Category in the legend would enable or disable that specific category, to allow you to visualize the exact area of interest. The graph also displays the Events trend in the last 30 days.

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Recent High Risk Corporate Infected Devices

This widget enables you to rapidly see the most recent high-risk corporate infected device events and address them to reduce your risk exposure. 

Recent High Risk Look-alike Domains

Enables you to rapidly see the most recent high-risk look-alike domain events and address them to reduce your risk exposure. Find out more about Look-alike Domains here

Recent High Risk Employee Leaked Credentials

Enables you to rapidly see the most recent high-risk employee leaked credentials events and address them to reduce your risk exposure. Find out more about Leaked Credentials here.

Recent High Risk Source Code Leaks

Enables you to rapidly see the most recent high-risk corporate infected device events and address them to reduce your risk exposure. 

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