Alert Central
This guide provides an overview of the new Alert Central, how to configure it, and best practices for managing alerts within Flare.
Alert Central is Flare's unified alert management system designed to simplify how you manage alerts across multiple identifiers and channels. It consolidates all alert configurations into a single interface, enhancing efficiency, flexibility, and scalability. Alert Central empowers you to tailor your alerting strategy to your unique needs.
- Navigate to Alert Central page from the main menu.

- The Channels tab displays a summary of all communication channels. Alerts can be configured to be sent to different channels such as email, JIRA, or Slack. Depending on the channel you wish to send the alert to it's essential to have the channel configured before configuring alerts.
- Click on Add Channel to add a new channel.

When setting up a channel in Alert Central, you will need to fill out multiple fields to customize the channel according to your requirements. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you understand and complete each field effectively:
- Channel Name: Provide a unique and descriptive name for your channel.
- Type: Select the communication channel(s) you want to configure. Available options may include Email, Slack, Jira, Teams. Depending of your choice, you'll have to provide more information such as the email of the person or the slack webhook.
- Tags: In this example of setting up an email channel, you can assign tags (the tags will be added at the beginning of the email subject.)
- Channel Connection Testing : Click on Test Channel to confirm that alerts can be successfully received. This will display various statuses, allowing you to check whether the connection is functioning properly.

Channel Status provide real-time visibility into the connection health of configured alerting channels. This feature helps you diagnose and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during setup or operation.
There are three possible states for a channel:
- ✅ Tested The channel has been successfully tested and is operational. Alerts will be delivered without issues.
- ⚠️ Not Tested The channel has been configured but has not been tested yet. Functionality is not guaranteed until a test is performed.
- 🚨Connection Failed A test was attempted, but the channel could not establish a connection. This may indicate connectivity issues.
- The main dashboard provides an overview of all the alerts you have set up. After configuring a channel, you can create alerts and assign them to that specific channel.
- You also now have the option to create alerts directly from a specific identifier, in the Identifiers section

When setting up a specific alert, you will need to fill out multiple fields to customize the alert according to your requirements. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you understand and complete each field effectively:
- Alert Name: Provide a unique and descriptive name for your alert. This name should help you easily identify the alert’s purpose at a glance. For example: “High Priority Threat Detection”
- Event Feed: Specify the identifier, group or tenant to which the alert will apply. Identifiers can represent assets, users, or systems within your environment.
- Event Categories: Choose the appropriate category for the alert based on the type of event you want to monitor.
- Severity Filters: Set the severity level for the alert to ensure you’re notified about the events that matter most.
- Time Settings: Set up the time parameters for when the alert should be sent. For now, you have four different options (As Soon As Possible, Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
- Alert Channel: Select the communication channel(s) through which the alert will be sent. Available options may include Email, Slack, Jira, Teams...

- Alert Name: Provide a unique and descriptive name for your alert. This name should help you easily identify the alert’s purpose at a glance. For example: “High Priority Threat Detection”
- Event Feed: Specify the identifier, group or tenant to which the alert will apply. Identifiers can represent assets, users, or systems within your environment.
- Event Categories: Choose the appropriate category for the alert based on the type of event you want to monitor.
- Severity Filters: Set the severity level for the alert to ensure you’re notified about the events that matter most.
- Time Settings: Set up the time parameters for when the alert should be sent. For now, you have four different options (As Soon As Possible, Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
- Alert Channel: Select the communication channel(s) through which the alert will be sent. Available options may include Email, Slack, Jira, Teams...
After setup, you can view and manage your configured alerts and channels for modifications. You can always click on an existing alert to view its configuration.
Your ability to delete alerts or alert channels depends on your role within the organization.

- Use Descriptive Names: Name alerts and channels clearly for easy management.
Q: Who can access Alert Central?
- Access depends on the permissions assigned by your organization administrator.
Q: What permissions do I need to create, manage, or view alerts?
- To create and manage alerts, you must have Editor permissions. Regular members are limited to editing email-based alert channels only.
- To view and manage alert channels other than those of type email, you need Organization Admin permissions.
Q: Can users with lower permissions still receive alerts?
- Yes, users with lower permissions can receive alerts, but they will not be able to configure or manage alert settings. Only users with appropriate permissions can create, edit, or delete alerts and channels.
Q: Will my existing alert settings and configurations automatically be migrated to the new system?
- Yes, during the migration process, your existing alert settings and configurations will be carried over to the new system. However, we recommend reviewing your configurations after migration to ensure everything is set up correctly.
Q: How can I verify that my integrations are functioning properly across my channels?
Q: Is it possible to link multiple emails to a single channel?
- Yes, you can attach multiple emails to a single channel. This allows you to centralize relevant email communications within the channel for better organization and collaboration.